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cms-opto:tracker-home:integ:aoh termination
AOH Termination
In order to obtain the correct signal sizes in the readout chain, the analogue termination resistors must be set correctly.
The current output of the APV is terminated by the APVMUX and the AOH - the two values add in parallel. The implementation on the AOH differs slightly between TOB/TEC and TIB/TID, as shown below.
RAOH is 2x 100ohms to Vref
RAOH is 1x 220ohms between Vin+ & Vin-
The nominal termination for the APV being 50ohms to Vref, one should set RMUX to be 100ohms per branch. This corresponds to sending a value of (for example) 15 (0xF) via I2C to the APVMUX.

Last modified by JT: Wed, 12-Mar-2003 11:21