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cms-opto:tracker-home:integ:2nd (ds) rod prototype - cabling
Fibre Cabling of the 2nd (DS) ROD
The Analogue Optohybrids (AOH) were cabled in place on the first double-sided ROD for the first time on 16/17 December 2002. This page contains some images of the process. (Click on an image to enlarge it)
Positioning of Optohybrids relative to the structure and description of their fibre labelling is available here.

The mounting and cabling proceeded in the following order, which was pretty much defined on the fly since there was no written plan of how to do it:

  1. Connect AOH at position TOP/ICC1/OP1, run fibres through opening in rod frame to outside
  2. Connect AOH at position TOP/ICC1/OP2, run fibres through opening in rod frame to outside (photo 1)
  3. Connect AOH at position TOP/ICC2/OP1, run fibres through opening in rod frame to outside
  4. Connect AOH at position TOP/ICC2/OP4, run fibres through opening in rod frame to outside (photo 2)
  5. Connect AOH at position TOP/ICC2/OP3, run fibres through opening in rod frame to outside - fibres not yet in final position (photo 3)
  6. Connect AOH at position TOP/ICC2/OP2, run fibres through opening in rod frame to outside - fibres routed in final positions, those from OP2/3 running under those from OP1/4 (photo 4, photo 5)
  7. Fibres routed along ROD frame, held in position with foam retainers, and back into centre of ROD at CCUM
    (photo 6, photo 7, photo 8, photo 9)
  8. ROD turned over, steps 1-7 repeated on bottom side. Potential problem with fibre routing on ICC2 seen again (photo 10)
  9. Bottom-side fibres must exit to TOP-side by passing over the cooling pipe - care must be taken to avoid the sharp corners of the cooling blocks (photo 11)
  10. Fibres are coiled above CCUM to take up excess length. Note that the prototype AOHs used here all have the same 2m long pigtail, which is too long in all cases. Connections are made by ROD side, starting with fibre 1 being connected to the AOH furthest from the CCUM. Connections are made with the adaptor blocks free to move and not yet mechanically attached to the ROD (photo 12)
  11. Once all connections are complete, the adaptor blocks are fixed to the ROD mechanically (it would have been better if the tapped part of the aluminium retainer had been facing the CCU and not the end of the ROD). All fibres are fixed into position to stop them moving about (photo 13)
  12. The fibre & cable clamp is put in position. We tried the bare carbon fibre piece but found that some foam was required to take up the large difference in diameter between the CCU ring cable (3-4mm) and the fibres (0.9mm). It also seemed better to us to route the CCU ring cable in the centre of the ROD, but this may not be compatible with the destination of this cable in the final system (cable may end up being too short). (photo 14, photo 15)
  13. ROD fibre cabling finished. It would have take us approximately 3hrs to complete had all the pieces been to hand immediately.
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1. TOP/ICC1/OP1 & OP2 installed, fibres routed to outside of ROD
2. TOP/ICC2/OP1 & OP4 installed, fibres routed to outside of ROD
3. TOP/ICC2/OP1, OP4, & OP3 installed, fibres routed to outside of ROD
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4. TOP/ICC2/OP1, OP4, OP3 & OP2 installed, fibres routed in final positions, held with kapton tape
5. Details of fibre routing for TOP/ICC2
6. Fibre routing from TOP/ICC1 (coming from OP2) along rod frame with foam retainer
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7. Fibre routing from TOP/ICC2, joining fibres from TOP/ICC1 along rod frame
8. Fibres from TOP/ICC1,ICC2 returning back into ROD above CCUM
9. Shaped foam fibre retainer
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10. Potential problem routing area under AOH on ICC2
11. Fibres from both TOP and BOTTOM faces exiting at CCUM
12. Fibres coiled above CCUM, connection starting with sMU-MU adaptor not mechanically fixed
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13. All connections complete, fibre coils secured, sMU-MU adaptor mechanically fixed to ROD
14. Fibre/Cable exit clamp in position
15. Detail of fibre/cable clamp showing need for foam layer to clamp fibre with substantially smaller diameter in comparison with CCU ring cable

Last modified by JT: Fri, 20-Dec-2002 9:08
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